Everyone keeps asking me how I'm feeling. The answer is awful. I don't know how to spin it to make it sound better or positive. I just feel awful.
It's Valentine's day. Not my favorite day anyway. I feel bad for all the flowers being murdered for the day (morbid, huh?). I feel bad for all the people who are going to get sick eating chocolates or all the people who are spending waaay too much on them.
Then there's the fact that Saturday night I had emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder. I guess by the time I was done it was officially Sunday. Apparently I had several stones in my gallbladder. They were the size of marbles. It was really painful.
I spent most of yesterday in the hospital waiting to be released. My bed was broken for most of that, so I was totally uncomfortable as well. The nurse told me that if I wanted to be released, I had to get up and walk...but the bed wouldn't move down so I had to slide to get down...not a painless procedure.
I finally got home to sit in each piece of furniture and realize that all of it was painful because I sunk into all of them. Not fun for my abdomen. I ended up going to Living Spaces and getting a new recliner after sitting on all of them that they had in the store (something else I don't recommend after surgery). I ended up sleeping on my chair last night because it's the only piece of furniture in the house that doesn't hurt to get out of.
I am so thankful for my new chair! Hooray for something I am not complaining about!
Today I took off my bandages and I get to take a shower soon too. I still have steri strips on. I look like I have bullet holes in my stomach. My kids were amazed when I told them that the surgeon used lasers on me to cut out my rocks in my stomach. I think I became so cool to them. Micah likes my laser holes.
I think the worst thing is that I can't hold my babies. Just getting soft hugs from them is an adventure. Micah craves hugs and I can't do anything to help him.
The most painful thing is coughing. Since I was on oxygen for a little while, my sinuses got messed up, so I am coughing a little bit. It's more painful than child birth for sure.
What's the best part? Umm...I don't know...I'm thinking about it...the fact that I lost some weight when they took out all the rocks? Nah, probably my chair.
I will get through this. Tony is off work today and my friend Shelley is going to babysit me tomorrow.
Just so you know, gallbladder surgery is not something you want to go through.