The past few months have been so crazy.
I started my plan to change my body's schedule and failed. Basically from lack of sleep. I can't get up early in the morning if I can't sleep at night. So sad. I'll try again when all my kids are in school.
Frustration abounded in Girl Scouts and I finally resigned. It took a lot for me to quit. I am not a quitter by nature. It still bugs me that I had to quit, but it's a relief to not have that taking over my schedule anymore. I'd go into the whys, but I feel that people would take my stand as slander against an organization when really it was problems that I had within that organization. I also refuse to speak badly about people online.
That being said, the whole situation, while not completely gone yet, is off my shoulders and no longer taking over my schedule and my nerves.
I am finally able to focus on more important things. My church is a big one. I've always been someone who is very involved at church, but that has kind of fallen to the side a bit because of Girl Scouts. It was bugging me that anytime I had something that I wanted to do at church, I couldn't because something came up for Girl Scouts. Now I'm more able to get involved and really get to know some people better...and they can get to know me as someone who isn't stressed out constantly.
Another thing that I am so happy to be more involved in is Micah's baseball team. He plays for a Challenger team that is just awesome. I am team mom, and I was really working hard to keep up with all the work before this. Now I'm more relaxed at the games and able to remember all the things that I need to do.
There's also the fact that Ali and Zoe are starting Kindergarten in August. I'm not the type of mom who just drops her kids off at school and hopes for the best. I'm the one bugging the teachers when my kid misses something on a test (not asking why my perfect child missed something, more likely asking what we can work on at home to help them to get the question right next time). I'm that mom who makes sure that her kids are always involved in every activity even if they aren't sure that they want to. That makes me a busy mom when they are at school. Especially when my kids are at 2 different elementary schools.
Oh! Another thing just happened. Becca got accepted into the GATE program. That's the Gifted and Talented Education program. It is for kids who are not having any trouble in any of the normal education stuff (reading, writing, math, etc.) and are ready to experience more in their education. I like this. Becca has no troubles with school. Her biggest problem is in writing, and that's just in comparison to her other grades. She's advanced in everything else, and proficient in writing...sounds like her mom.
Okay, so my ducks are in a row for everything as far as school goes...I hope. Of course, then I got a call from a friend who is very involved in PTA at Becca's school and she wants me to get involved in that this year. She knows what I went through in Girl Scouts (she went through some of it with me) and wants me there...I told her I'd think about it. I've never done PTA anywhere before because I'm so torn between schools. Micah and Becca have never been at the same school, so it's hard to get involved in 2 different schools...and I don't want to be involved in one and not the other. Now Becca, Ali, and Zoe will be at one school and Micah at another.
Micah is totally taken care of at school. He's got his teacher in his SDC class (special day class...special ed) who takes care of him. She will be his teacher for the next 2 years (unless the district re-aligns the classes again and decides to send him elsewhere, but that's doubtful because they have seen how he has thrived there). He also has a 1-1 aid that is with him the whole time he is at school. Melissa is awesome and pretty much his favorite person. She will likely be the person back with him next year too. The principal at the school loves Micah too. She has been watching him grow this year and was really impressed. He also mainstreams for part of the day in a regular ed class (Melissa goes with him) and they love him there too. Any time they have field trips or anything, they invite Micah to go with them. Micah is all set up at school, and I really have no reason to worry about him.
So my dilemma is really how much to be involved officially at the girl's school. I don't know yet. I've kind of looked forward to being able to do other things while my kids are at school, and I know I will still do that, but I have a tendency to jump into things with both feet and not look around. I don't go in with that intention, but I tend to do it anyway. I'll have to be careful to relax and just help out...not easy for me.
I'm looking into Becca's next activity to be involved in too. She really liked Girl Scouts, but we aren't going to be with them anymore. She wants to see about a new sport or another club...I just have to see what's around again. I just don't want her overwhelmed with something at the same time she is taking on the GATE program too. Still, she's the kind of kid that has to be busy. Anyone have any ideas? Becca is up for anything. She is not incredibly sporty, but she's tried ballet, tap, cheer-leading, tennis, and baseball. She said maybe swimming, but I'm sure she just said that because I used to do it. She's picking up the violin right now, too. I hate to see her over-involved, but she feels like she's missing something because she's not going to be going to Girl Scouts anymore.
Anyway, that's what's going on. I'm keeping my head above water and a whole lot more relaxed...but I had to get totally stressed out first to get here.