Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Black Friday is Coming! Oh, yeah, Thanksgiving too....

Today I was making my list of things that I would like to get on Black Friday. The annual event that makes people everywhere crazy makes me pretty crazy too.

I've blogged about this crazy day in the past. I love watching people shop like maniacs. I mostly go for the people.

This year there are a few deals that I want. I don't usually shop for electronics any other time of the year because I don't want to pay more than I have to. I'm often seen in the line at Best Buy at 2am on Black Friday, but as I look at the preview ads on, I'm pretty sure I'm going to skip that one this year. I'm not going to spend my Thanksgiving in line there, so I'm not going to get the cheap laptop (there's never more than 2 in the store for those things).

This year I'm hitting Walmart (I usually avoid that place because crazy people tend to literally run each other over there), probably Kmart, and Sears. I'm still debating over Toys R Us.

I usually debate over Kmart. Their main sale is on Thanksgiving. I'm squeezing in the time this year because of a couple of deals I can't pass up. Thanksgiving for us is half the day with my family, half the day with Tony's. We'll be staying the night out in Hemet and leaving the house to my mom. I like Black Friday in Hemet. There are fewer people there and people watching is a completely different.

After the morning shop, the girls and I will be hitting the road to the Teddy Bear Tea Party in Riverside. It's an annual Escarzaga girls tradition. The girls all love sitting with Santa and enjoying the fun show that is always performed. It's great fun.

After that I hit the sack. I'm so tired by that point that I'll never be able to function if I don't get sleep.

That's my Thanksgiving weekend...or at least the first part.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


This month the kids and I are talking about thankfulness.

I know, nothing like going with the obvious.

We are starting on the 2nd because yesterday was really busy. I really wanted to do it every day, but that just didn't work out right. Each day we will be writing down one thing that we are thankful for. On Thanksgiving we will take the paper and look at all the different things that we are thankful for and praise God.

Cool plan, huh?

Today I'm thankful for the trash collector. The trash can didn't make it to the curb in time last week so we had an enormous amount of trash and it's really windy. I'm sure that their job is really hard on windy days.

That's me today. I'll be asking the kids after dinner and we will make our charts.