Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Hi Everyone!

I know, it's been a while.

Here's my update:

My last post was pre-Black Friday, so I'll start there. I did the Black Friday thing, worked out my plans, then busted them. Walmart was crazy. I knew it was going to be, but this year was so bad. Now, going in Hemet I assumed that people would be way nicer again like they were last year...there's a problem with assuming things. I didn't get a fist, but everything else. Elbows, shoving, I saw someone slap another was awful. It was like people felt that they had a license to be rude just because it was Black Friday. At Target it wasn't bad, but they had a lot of police there and they only let people in the store 20 at a time...seriously. Even though people were out in the cold wrapped around the building. It was so sad. Kmart wasn't awful, but I didn't try to go near electronics there or I probably would have been hurt. It was so horrible.

Later that day I started to feel awful. Teddy Bear Tea waits for no sickness, however, and I wasn't convinced I was sick until I got there anyway. It turns out I had the flu. This lasted 3 days. Then Zoe got the flu, then Ali, then Becca, then Micah...then Tony. My house was out of it for about a week.

The kids went back to school. The first 2 days back Ali and Zoe both had subs. Apparently having Kindergarteners come back to consistancy isn't incredibly important to some administrators who felt that all the teachers needed training.

The next Monday, Ali and Zoe started full days. I have a few more hours in my day...I thought. Nope! There's too many things to do! It doesn't matter how much time I seem to have to myself, I still manage to mess it up with plans. I'm still volunteering 2 days a week with the twins' classes, then I have Clever Container stuff to do, cleaning house, running errands, helping my grandmother, making Christmas presents...too much stuff on my plate...which made me mess up along the way.

I lost my wallet. I know where I was when I used it last, I know what I was all at home. Still, we checked the stores I went to that day, we searched the whole house (did a lot of cleaning that needed to be done before Christmas anyway) and in the end we gave up. Yesterday I went around all over town replacing everything that could be replaced. I was so frustrated.

What else could happen?  I got a call from my Sister in Law, Carrie.  Tony's mom's dad (are you still following me?  Tony's grandpa) isn't doing well and Audrey (my MIL) needed to drive up to see  She was going to go up by herself, but I asked her if she wanted somone to go with her and she loved that idea. 

So here I am.  Napa.  My mom has the kiddos after school, so all is well at home.  It was a 10 hour drive started really early this morning.  Now I sit and wait (relaxing after a long car ride) while my MIL and her siblings talk to the doctors. 

Okay, I think you are all caught up.  I should probably get back to the rest of the world now.