Friday, October 2, 2009

Supermommie vs. Lady Laundry

While doing some laundry today, my mind began to wander...

If I really was a superhero, who would be my nemesis? Lady Laundry!

I have no ideas for stories yet, however, I am open to ideas...

Laundry is the never-ending cycle that everyone battles eventually, unless you are a nudist or something...or maybe if you only have one set of clothes...still, even if you only had one set of clothes, you would have to wash at some point.... Anyway, my point is that Lady Laundry would have to be especially gross in order to be a real super villain.

One can battle this enemy by sending it to the cleaners, hiring someone else to do it, or many other wimpy ways, but Supermoms just buckle down and do it. Ok, some days I'm not really a Supermom. This got me thinking of a side kick...a maid or something...I haven't really decided. Still, this way I could remain a super hero, and still get the assist.

Today I was doing an especially vile load (accident in bed...not the worst, but it isn't pretty). I also had the regular volume of clothes that is big, just simply because 7 people live in this house. It made me think...if I actually made a comic book with Lady Laundry as the villain, it would have to be scratch-and-sniff just to get the full effect. Plus Lady Laundry needs to be huge.

Do you have a picture in your head yet? I don't blame you if you don't. I'm kind of a geek, so this line of thinking really isn't abnormal for me. It makes my life just a bit more fun and takes the mundane task of laundry and makes it something completely different. Something more fun. Something geeky. Something a bit more me.

1 comment:

Miss C said...

LOL. My thought was that lady laundry is smooth and sophisticated. You know one of those super skinny ladies with a perfect hair-do and heels that match her purse?

Anyway, she sneaks in and sabotages your laundry. Things like pouring wine in the washer right after it finishes, putting crayons in the dryer, stealing one sock from every pair, and messing with your washer and dryer so they don't quite work right.

You are not the only one who's mind wanders during the never ending battle of the fluff.