Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Crazy Week

This week I am consumed by several different things.

Vacation Bible School is coming and I'm crazy enough to be a part of 2 VBS's in a row. One week I am helping in a 3 and 4 year old class at my father-in-law's church and the next week I am directing the middle school class at my church. I love the idea of doing both but I know I am going to be so tired! I love VBS! I'm still probably crazy for doing both.

On top of all that is the start of my business. I have an Open House for my Clever Container business this Saturday from 1-6pm. It's going to be a blast and I'm having fun planning. Hopefully people will come and the day will be an exciting start for my new project. I am putting in hours and hours of my time into this business and I really hope it takes off. My kids are really starting to get the idea that I'm working sometimes (when they are busy or sleeping, that's what's awesome about being in charge of my hours!). It's working out well so far.

The next is my kids. It's funny how much they get on each others nerves lately. Each of them really need time to themselves once in a while. Micah has it easy being in a room by himself, but my poor girls are all sharing their room. The arguments get old. I'm really going to be excited when school begins because they will be separated for at least part of each day. Keeping them busy just hasn't been enough. We've worked on the house together (scrubbing walls is Ali's specialty!) we've played in the water out in the backyard, done a few crafts, watched a few movies and just had fun. Still, doing things together is getting old. Becca especially wants some alone time. Ali and Zoe could use time away from each other too. Micah really likes that he can tell his sisters to get out of his room and they have to listen to him.

Tony is here sometimes. He is going in to work early a couple of days a week so he can umpire in the evenings. He comes home really tired most of the time. Soon he will be going in early so he can go to his second job after...and if his umpire season isn't over by then I'll never see him. Still, summer will end eventually and things will go back to a routine. All will be fine...eventually.

What else is happening? I'm going to Hawaii with my mother and one of my friends at the end of August/beginning of September and staying for a week. It's going to be fun! I'm really excited. I've been working on travel plans for that too.

I'm busy. That's why I'm taking the time to blog now at 1 am. Insomnia is going to be useful tonight I guess. I should still go to bed. Goodnight!

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