Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Chronicles of Micah

Micah and I were having a moment today.  He incredibly angry at me because I changed his plans.  He had a list of things that he wanted to do, and I ruined them.  The meltdown that followed this change of plans was horrible.  To calm him down, I laid down with him on his bed with him under his covers with his weighted blanket and allowed him to breathe.  While he was there, he decided that he wanted to tell me a story. 

Now, I have to tell you, sometimes parts of the stories that he tells are visual and you can see in his eyes that they are going on in his head and probably not going to come out in words.  The things that he expressed to me that I think I understood are what I'm going to try to tell you.

I asked Micah what his story was going to be about.  He told me that it was the Chronicles of Micah.  He explained that it was "the story of me and what happens next."

He started out with the beginning.  He said that he was born a big boy and he knew he would change the world.  He said a few words here and there after that, but most of it was in his head.  He hummed a bit and told about the bus and school.  He said at one point that he loved his teachers in 5th grade, and 6th grade is going to be better.  He also said something about science camp and it obviously had some sort of space theme to it, though I couldn't understand it all.  There were a lot of spacey sounding noises and swishing of rocket shaped hands.

His next part he kept talking about faith, sin, Jesus and doing what he is supposed to do.  He was so adamant about faith.  He said that at 12 years old, he was full of faith, and then his faith grew.

Micah then talked about college.  He said he grew up.  He said he would go to college in Riverside, but he didn't know which college he would pick there.  After college he said that he was going to be a firefighter and a magician and always drive the fire trucks.

The next thing he said that he would do is get married to a "lovely woman."  Then, of course, come the kids, 12 sons.  Three of the sons are going to be named Francisco, Isaac, and Nemo.  He said his wife could name the rest.  He did finally come up with one girl who would be the baby and her name would be Coral.  She has red hair.  Apparently a robot came and attacked Coral and Micah made the robot die.

He said the last part that was written is that he and his 12 sons built a sailboat and sailed to China and had tea. They climbed the Great Wall and built a tabernacle and praised God.

Pretty cool huh?   He's now in his room drawing the illustrations.  I wish now that I had the ability to video the whole story because it would probably make so much more sense than my little interpretations.

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