Well, I decided to write some random things about me today:
1. I play fantasy football with my husband and his family even though I hate the game of football. I really don't know why I play. I just do. I am really terrible at it. This season my record is wins: 1 losses:7. Yep, I stink. It would probably help if I actually watched the game instead of only going by the numbers, but I just don't want to. I learned a lot about the game without actually ever sitting through one this way, and it's funny how much communication is opened when you have this kind of common ground of sports.
2. I am totally addicted to Dr Pepper. I do go through withdrawals when I am broke. I never drank it while pregnant (well, only on special occasions) and since I plan to never be in that state again, I don't plan on losing this addiction. My husband and mother have in the past informed me that I shouldn't get off the stuff while they are around because I am really cranky. The only substitution that takes the edge off is Cherry Coke. This only works for a little while, though.
3. I have never read a comic book all the way through. It's true. I just hate the style of reading. I have skimmed through a couple of really old ones that my mother had when I was looking for substitutes for actually reading the classics in high school (the Tale of Two Cities adapted into comic book form...it worked, I got an A in that class). I know that seems odd if you have met my husband, but we make it work. He is a total geek. I have played some RPGs with him, though. My favorite was the Star Wars one, though making up my character in the JLA one was fun, too.
4. I hate the color pink. It bothers my eyes. Yes, I have 3 little girls, and the color is in my everyday life, but I just don't like it. Yeah, I was a tomboy when I was little, and my favorite attire is jeans and a t-shirt, but I think my dislike of this color really goes beyond that. I really can't look at it for that long without getting a major headache. Anyway, that's that.
5. I am horrible at organization. Really. I'm a mess. I know, if you have been to my house, you have probably been amazed at my lack of organizational skills. If you haven't, it's still probably pretty obvious. I know, I blame a lot on my crazy life and my kids, but it's really me.
That's all I can think of right now. So here is a random scripture:
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship." Romans 12:1
Fantasy Football?! Really. I would not have pegged you for participating in that...
#3 is borderline blasphemy! I will keep you in my prayers. ;-)
I feel ya on #2, though I've been known to substitute Mt. Dew and/or Coffee. But the doc keeps reeling me back in...
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