Thursday, October 2, 2008

An Update and Sea World

Micah started his meds on the lowest dose possible, and that worked for the first two days. It didn't make him a zombie, which was my big fear. Still, the doctor told me to up his dose next week. On Tuesday night he accidentally went to bed without his medicine. Wednesday was horrific. We did not forget again. This afternoon when I picked him up he didn't have a sticker for being good at school, but there was a sub that I hadn't seen before, and the aid looked really frustrated with her. This aid has been with Micah since kindergarten, so she knows him well, and she is really awesome. She's usually pretty positive about everything, and I have rarely seen her without a smile. She was actually yelling at the sub to get a hold on one of the kids who is a major runner when I walked up to get Micah. She looked really mad. I don't think that Micah's lack of a sticker was entirely his fault today, though I didn't ask, I just got him out of there. Micah told me in the car that he wanted Mrs Carr tomorrow.

On a happier note, we went to Sea World to celebrate Micah's birthday on Saturday. That was really fun. Sea World is Micah's newest obcession. He will tell you everything about the park, what he likes to do there, and where he is going to go next time we visit. It's kinda a long drive to get there, about 2 hours in the car with all 4 kids, so we don't go very often. We got some good pictures in the car (like the one of Zoe that you see)

The twins get freaked out at the characters (even the Sesame Street ones), and Micah just doesn't care, so it's kinda funny that we still stop everyone for all of the guys dressed up in costumes just for Becca to get a picture and have the other 3 scream at us (Micah for not going where he wants to go, the girls because we are near a giant penguin).

This trip we went to pet the bat rays, which wasn't something that we had done before. The kids got really messy with this. Ali left that area covered in water. I don't think she could have gotten wetter if she had just jumped in with them. They really enjoyed it.

We also went on the tower, which the kids absolutely adored. Micah was so excited, I think we will end up spending money on doing that again. It actually costs $3.50 a person to go, but we had gotten some free passes when we bought our park tickets, so it didn't cost us anything. We got some decent pictures of Micah's favorite place, the Bay of Play. They aren't great, but he likes to look at them.

If you haven't been to Sea World in a few years, it's time to go, especially if you have young children. At the moment, it's my kid's favorite place. Ok, I'm done advertising for them.

There are so many things going on in my life right now, and I will blog about them later, but I really wanted to focus on a good day today. My last post was just too depressing. I don't want to live my life in a pity party. God is too good to me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome birthday! Maybe I can talk Paul into going to Sea World when we go down...he keeps bringing up Disneyland...which would be fun...if it didn't cost so bloody much...
Good to hear that Micah is doing okay with the meds. And I hope you are doing okay with them too.