Monday, October 20, 2008

What's next?

This week has been interesting...

Sunday night, as we were getting in the car to go home after church, Micah fell and hit his head. I had to take him in to the hospital. His eyes looked weird and he fell asleep in the car on the mile (maybe 2) long trip to the hospital. I ended up spending the night on a chair next to my son's bed trying to keep him from ripping the iv out. They did a CT scan and he's ok, but it was a scare.

I went home to my water being turned off, so I couldn't take a shower. Ugh. Then my son wouldn't go to the bathroom because he couldn't flush the toilet, so we decided it was time to go visit Grandpa's house.

We went home that night, put everyone to bed, and a few hours later I hear a very distinctive sound coming from the girl's bedroom. I had a sick toddler on my hands that night, a huge mess, and no water. Sheets and clothes went outside so we didn't have the smell of halfway digested food in our house, Zoe was changed a couple of times, and I was thanking God for baby wipes and Clorox wipes. I spent yet another night next to a kid who wasn't feeling well and not really sleeping.

Yesterday I fully intended to let the kids sit in front of the tv while I caught up on some rest, but then the water came back on, and I had some cleanup to do. This was interrupted by having to pick up Micah from school because he fell asleep at his desk and fell off his chair. I had a really angry 7 year old on my hands because he wasn't following routine, so cleanup lasted a lot longer than it should have. One of these days I will have order in my house, but that day still has yet to come.

This week I was really going to focus on potty training with the girls, that was postponed due to water issues, but the plan is back on. I just can't afford diapers anymore, and the girls are ready and just waiting on me to get them into panties. Cassidy is along for the experience as well. She is over this morning, and while the girls are all great friends, there are two-year-old issues all the time (Mine! No! Share!) and my house gets loud. Still, with the abundance of potty seats around here, toilet training is coming around. I just yawn through it.

I could use a nap. I could use a full night's sleep. I doubt I will get those any time soon.

I went to school last night and got a new assignment that should be fun. I have to restore an old photograph using photoshop. My grandmother is going to get me an old photo, and I hope it turns out well.

I have Christmas presents all figured out this year. I'm going to do pictures for everyone. My assignments have all turned out really well, so I'm printing them out on better paper and framing them. So family, no, you don't get to be surprised. Well, maybe you will be surprised by what picture you get, but that's what you are getting. I'm already spending a lot of time on these pictures, they may as well be useful.

So, that's what is happening around here, how has your week been?

"But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belonged to their sect complained to his disciples, "Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and 'sinners'?"
Jesus answered them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."" Luke 5:30-32


Skubaliscious said...

Wow. You really are supermommie!

I hope you get some much needed rest soon.

Unknown said...

Who doesn't love pictures?!! Awesome!!!
Glad to hear that Micah is okay.
Stay positive!