Monday, June 15, 2009

Will This Day End Already!

The morning started out crummy. First of all, I had to wake up, which is never a good thing.

I know, I'm so tortured!

The twins were in one of those "I'm going to turn 3" moods, and they disagreed with me on basically anything that I was willing to do for them. "Please lay down so I can change you into panties" became "You may not run around the house naked!" within a minute.

They are normally so obedient...but they are turning 3. The evil age.

They didn't want me to pick out their clothes. This is totally fine with me, even if their clothes don't really go together. I don't care what they wear as long as they aren't naked. The problem was that they wanted to wear the same shirt. Neither of them ended up getting it because they ended up ripping it during the struggle over who gets it.

I'm confined to my wheelchair due to the fact that I had over worked myself the previous day, and I couldn't trust myself to stand. I sit there watching the struggle, and found myself blessed by the shirt ripping so that they had a built-in consequence for their actions. When they took their time-outs for fighting, I searched for clothes that they would not argue about.

I decided it was a good day for couch potato lessons.

The girls glued themselves to the TV, while I kept having to answer the phone. All important phone calls, too. I couldn't just hang up. Well, my grandmother didn't call for anything important, but I couldn't just hang up on her.

My plans to put dinner in the crock-pot never made it that far. A phone call from Social Security about my son, a phone call from his Regional Center worker, a call from Becca's coach about the plans for the end of the season party, and the never-ending phone call from my grandmother took care of all my time this morning.

I started a PB&J lunch when I heard the girls begin to argue over which character they were on the show (they like to act it out as they watch) and the TV ended up having to be turned off. Bummer. They came into the kitchen and asked to help. Fine. I let the girls spread their own peanut butter. Then came the argument over the jelly. There is no way that they will agree on a jelly, and the one that I took out just wasn't what they wanted (who's idea was it to have multiple flavors of jelly open? I never do that! Leftovers from when I was out of commission).

Finally, I get the girls fed, and they play in their room for a little while. Two time-outs (each) later, it is time to pick up Micah and Becca from school.

I got to the school ok, but I was running late, so I didn't take my wheelchair with me. I just had my cane. Apparently, there was an assembly that everyone knew about but me, and there is not a parking spot anywhere near the school.


I got the girls out of the car in my parking spot a block away, and I start walking with them. An argument over who holds my hand starts, and I end up getting knocked over. Pain. Lots of pain.

I stand (barely) just in time to meet Micah's bus (he gets dropped off by Becca's school) and look up to see that he got a sticker at school. Hooray! Micah was good at school! Think it will continue through the afternoon?

I'm still in pain, but I make it over to the point where I am supposed to pick up Becca and sit down on the grass. Praying that there are no ants around (I'm allergic), I sit while Micah and the twins run wild on the grass outside Becca's school. I see the scowls from the parents around me when my kids scream and run around, but I don't care. I'm not a bad parent, I'm a parent who is in extreme pain.

At this point, I have already called Tony and asked him to come get me. I know it's only a few blocks, but I just couldn't drive home. He ended up taking the rest of the afternoon off. We got home and he wheeled me inside and ordered me to bed. I'm thankful.

I got up at dinner time when my mom started asking what I wanted to eat. Well, I wanted the stuffed bell peppers that I was going to put into the crock pot this morning. Still, it was already dinner time. We decided to try this stuff that we had a sample of at Costco. It was good, and Micah-safe, and fast.

Tony had to take Becca to her T-ball closing ceremonies tonight, so I'm up for the evening. Micah was playing Wii after dinner, and he got stuck and wanted help. I just don't do that. He is better than I am at most video games, and when I mess up, I end up with a tantrum on my hands. I told him that he had to figure it out or wait for Daddy. He didn't like that. I ended up with the tantrum anyway.

After a rather long screaming fit, I turn to find the twins getting into toothpaste and decorating the bathroom. After a scrubbing, I send them to bed. I just don't care that there is still 30 more minutes to bedtime. The day is over.

Meds are given, time for bed. After so much screaming in my day, a little more while they are tucked in isn't a big deal.

Psalm 127

1.Unless the LORD builds the house,
its builders labor in vain.
Unless the LORD watches over the city,
the watchmen stand guard in vain.

2 In vain you rise early
and stay up late,
toiling for food to eat—
for he grants sleep to those he loves.

3 Sons are a heritage from the LORD,
children a reward from him.

4 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
are sons born in one's youth.

5 Blessed is the man
whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame
when they contend with their enemies in the gate.

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