Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Time for School!

It began Monday morning. All was organized. Sunday night I had laid out all the clothes, packed backpacks, and got everything ready. Monday all 4 of my kids went to school. To be fair, the twins just had orientation that lasted only a few hours and my mom and I went with them. Still, it was a beginning. The girls met their teachers and had a blast meeting classmates. They loved it.

Today was just as organized. This was a surprise for me because I usually have a great first day and then blow it the rest of that first week, only to go back to getting it right the next week, determined to not blow it again. It was new to finally get it together 2 days in a row.

The twins had their first day without the help of a parent there today. Apparently they did great. Not a surprise for me, but most people who know the twins have rarely seen them apart and don't know that they really are good kids when they aren't conspiring against me.

Last week I was at the school helping our PTA president with stuffing envelopes and asked about the twin's classes. They had them in the same class...I fixed that quickly. Not that I minded the teacher, but the twins needed to be separated. The Ali and Zoe never knew. I love that Ali is in Mr Cunanan's class. He's so fun and she loves him already. Zoe is having a great time with Mrs Brace who also adores the color purple just as much as my daughter. Zoe found that out when she was coloring during her own face during orientation. She wanted to be purple, so she drew her face that way. Mrs Brace told her that she loves purple too and that they were going to get along quite well!

Becca has begun 3rd grade. She is in GATE now (Gifted And Talented...something). She is in an interesting class. I found out from another teacher friend of mine that there was going to be a little boy with autism in that class. The teacher was reluctant to have this boy in her class because she just doesn't know anything about how to work with him. When my teacher friend found out that Becca was going into that class, she told the teacher that Becca would be a perfect fit for a buddy for this little boy. It made Becca feel good to be a help, made the teacher a bit more comfortable having the boy in the class, and the little boy has an automatic friend in Becca. I'm going to be monitoring her grades and attitude through the year closely to see if it's too much for her. I'm not terribly worried, though. I don't think Becca will have a problem. She's always top of her class in practically everything, and it won't hurt her to do a little extra. I know she is getting more being in GATE, though, so I'm still watching close.

Micah is in the same class as last year and his aid will be the same as soon as she gets off maternity leave. The problem is that the summer was just a bit too short, so Melissa (Micah's aid) just didn't have time to recover completely while Micah was off. Fortunately, Micah's teacher is awesome and she has a small class and plenty of help at the moment. Micah will start mainstreaming tomorrow with or without his regular aid, but it would be nice if someone he knows is with him when he starts.

Good start, huh? I'm so proud of my kiddos.

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