Friday, September 30, 2011

Here Goes....

I decided to start a new blog. This one is going to be about my adventures in organizing. I'll talk about all the products from Clever Container and all the tips on organizing that I'm getting along the way. I'm explaining it all in the first blog. It's coming...the's HERE! There you go, Chaos Made Beautiful.

Mostly I'm doing it because I would like to talk about the stuff without feeling like I'm selling stuff to my friends on this blog. Plus I don't want to have my life be all about organization. Really, I'm still just me. This blog is going to stay more about me and my adventures in parenting and life. I'll have stuff there about organizing my kids and such, but I don't think I'll stick to it.

Anyhoo, if you want to follow that blog, YAY! If not, following this blog is going to still be worth it...if you want to know more about me and my family anyway. The challenge I'm giving myself in this blog to start everything off is to blog every day of October. That should be fun. I've got a lot of fun stuff lined up. I'm probably not going to blog daily here...I never really have, so that's not going to be a shock for you. I'll be scheduling it in to blog, nevermind, that's not going to happen. I blog here when there's something I need to say.

That's all I needed to say for now. :)

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