Friday, September 16, 2011


I'm a mom. It's what I do. I'm pretty good at it, I think.  Of course, we'll know for sure 20 years from now when my kids are all grown, christlike, productive members of society. Until then, I'll keep my title of Supermommie and rest knowing God is really in charge.

That being said, I'm going to make a statement about supermoms that some people may disagree with.

Supermoms do what needs to be done for their kids regardless of who is watching.

That doesn't mean they don't hesitate sometimes because it may be uncomfortble (every mom has done that). It doesn't mean they don't take their child in the other room to provide discipline (an awesome practice that should be done whenever possible and necessary).  It means that even if you are in line at Walmart and your kid is screaming as loud as his little lungs can handle and annoying everyone around him, Mom still sticks to her guns.  She doesn't waiver just because people are watching and she's embarrassed.

That being said, I saw a supermom today.  I love it.  As she stood there and people made rude comments around her, she didn't give in and give the child the candy he wanted. She ignored those around her who told her to "shut the kid up" and went on with her business as if she wasn't dragging along a kid who so obviously didn't agree with her decision.  I wanted to applaud...and slug the guy making rude comments.

The other day I was in line and overheard what looked like a grandmother telling her daughter who had 4 kids with her "this isn't high school, you have no excuse for thinking that everyone is watching you, they aren't".  That grandmother was right. No one was watching (well, besides me, but I don't count). This mom clearly had everything under control with her kids but was embarrassed by the loud (but fairly polite) voices of her children. I'm not saying that this mom isn't super. I observed her kids. They were pretty awesome considering the fact that the oldest looked about 5. Having all those kids with you shopping isn't easy, I've been there. She was doing what was necessary and it worked. 

My point is that what random people in a supermarket (or wherever) may judge you, but that isn't going to make as much impact on your child's life as your consistancy. If they know that all they have to do is embarrass you in order to get their way, what good does that teach them? If they know that rules are rules no matter where you happen to be, that is a huge lesson that will take them far. 

I love getting lessons from other supermoms. It's great to see I'm not the only one out there working hard to raise my kids up to be awesome adults. 

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