I haven't blogged in a week and some stuff has happened.
Today my FIL was released from the hospital. They don't definitively know the source of the internal bleeding, but it has stopped. He is going to have surgery on his hernia, but that is outpatient surgery. Hopefully that was the reason for the bleeding, and after the surgery, hopefully he will be ok.
On Sunday morning my daughter and I visited a church in Moreno Valley. I was so blessed. I came back to my home church that evening and my close friends blessed me, too. I felt revived and ready to face the week. My husband was torn down the whole day. I am glad that God blessed me so that I could find the energy to lift up my husband. I could probably say a whole lot of bad stuff about what tore my husband down, and about what hurt me that day, but I'm choosing not to.
My eye hurts. I am in so much pain, and I can't sleep well at night. This does not make for a happy and productive Supermommie.
I recently put together something interesting. Before my thing with my eye started, I had a series of recurring dreams, all of which involved a car accident where some part of my right side was damaged. I remember once it was an arm that I lost, once it was a foot, and another time I was just paralyzed on the right side. These dreams had gone on for a couple of months, though not really regularly enough for me to put them together. Anyhow, I have not been dreaming lately and that had me thinking about the dreams that I had. I realized, remembering it all, that the dreams all related to each other.
Not that this makes any difference, but God has done some strange things in my dreams before, and the realization that the dreams all related to loss of something on my right side shows me that God really has a hand in all of this. I cried yesterday to my husband because of the pain and not being able to see. I remembered the dreams, and mentioned them to Tony. He gets a little weird about my dreams because of the things that have happened in the past with my dreams. Well, Tony and I agreed that God obviously was saying something to me in my dreams, whether it was warning me about my eye or something else, it was totally God.
I don't know if I have ever posted something about my dreams in the past that have come true (or at least some variation of my dreams, anyway). Well, my first experience with this that I can recall, was when I was pregnant with Becca. I dreamed about having twin girls, and for some reason, working with or for Carrie. It was an odd dream, and since Carrie is an office manager, and if anyone knows me, you would know that I would be horrible in an office or around paperwork of any kind, that really wasn't the point. In my dream I took my twin girls with me to work. Carrie and I had actually discussed it at the time, and we both agreed that it would never happen because of me and that work environment, plus having the girls with me would be totally unprofessional.
Anyway, I didn't have twins with Becca, but I did have twins later, and at the time, I was babysitting Cassidy all the time...basically working for my sister-in-law, Carrie. Kinda odd, huh?
Right after I realized I was pregnant with the twins (I didn't know that it was twins yet, though), I had a dream that I had twin girls. After my dream while pregnant with Becca, I didn't really make too much of it...until I found out that there were two girls in there. Creepy, huh?
That pregnancy I dreamed a lot. Mostly it was about the twins. I dreamed their names. Alethea Joelle and Zoe Dianne were in my dreams so much that I couldn't ignore it. I didn't even really like the name Zoe that much, and Dianne was not even anything that Tony and I had discussed before I talked about the dreams. I know, that was a self-fulfilling prophecy, but still, that's where they got their names.
That's why I sit up and take notice when I remember my dreams. Obviously while I am conscious, I am not listening well enough, so God gets to me while I'm sleeping...or something.
One more thing:
Happy St Patrick's day
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