Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day One

You know that one place in your house that you've been meaning to clean, but you never really get around to it because you are so busy doing other things and you know it will take you a while to actually do it? Everyone has one of those, right? I'm not alone in this? That's what this change of schedule feels like to me. Something that is taking a whole lot of effort to get it fixed, but in the end I should be able to function even better.

Last night I went to bed at 11pm...and laid sleep...just stayed in bed anyway. The snack thing was fine. I wanted to snack past my self-imposed curfew, but I stopped myself. I got up this morning knowing that my son had an early doctor appointment, so I'd have to get up anyway. I am tired this afternoon.

I am supposed to be cleaning my house. Micah's therapist is coming over this afternoon and there is a lot to clean before she gets here. I'm still sitting.

One good thing did happen, though. There was not an "extra" mess from the girls today. They have yet to get into anything that they were not allowed to today. That is huge for me. They tend to sneak in the kitchen and find things and eat them...hiding the remains. Yesterday they got into enough trouble for the rest of their lives over that very thing. I feel like my eyes have to be on both of them constantly, but they are never in the same place unless we are doing something together...making it practically impossible to do anything that they can't "help" me with. That's what most people use TV for, right? Well, they aren't allowed to watch TV right now. Grounded means mommy isn't going to do what she wants to too.

Anyway, we'll see how long this whole thing lasts. They are currently coloring so I should be busy doing something else instead of sitting here blogging, but I am a procrastinator. I am getting up to clean now.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Schedule Changes

I'm thinking of making major changes to my schedule. I've wanted to do 2 things for a few years now: get organized and get physically fit. Neither has really happened. I'm more organized than I was a few years ago, but my house is still generally a mess. I'm more fit than I was a few years ago, but not where I really want to be.

So here's the thing: I took a hard look at my schedule and found a few things. One is that I snack A LOT at night. I schedule time to clean after the kids go to bed, but it never really works out that way.

Generally I sleep in in the mornings while Tony gets the kids ready for school. This works for us. I'm not a morning person at all, and Tony does a great job getting kids out the door (except for Becca's hair, but I'm up by the time she needs that). Generally I spend a few hours cleaning in the mornings. Usually I'm cleaning whatever mess the twins were making before I was up because Daddy was distracted by getting older kids ready to go to school. Then I'm off to do whatever things I have scheduled for the day.

Anyone else see an issue here? My days are messed up! I spend time cleaning up messes instead of organizing and doing regular clean up. Then when I should be cleaning in the evenings, I'm really just eating and relaxing in front of the TV!

So, I'm setting myself a bedtime. I'm not going to be unreasonable, though. I know my body hates sleeping before 1am. Insomnia abounds before that. I am still going to try 11pm. I'm also cutting off all snacks at 9. I'd make it before that, but I know myself better than that. I'm going to want to snack after the kids go to bed at 8, and telling myself that I can't won't make this work. I've tried not snacking after dinner when trying to get rid of the insomnia, and I couldn't stick to it. I'd much rather do something that I can keep up.

The next part of that is the mornings. I've been trying to get up earlier, but it isn't working. I know it's the insomnia, so I'm sure I can't be unreasonable with that either. I'm going to just try getting up when the alarm goes off instead of poking my husband and rolling over. I will get up and shower THEN do my quiet time with God. I usually do this the other way around...then I end up falling back to sleep because I'm still in bed for my quiet time. It doesn't work.

I've actually tried this type of schedule before, but the problem was that I was off caffeine at the time too. That doesn't work for me. I became a really horrible person. I have already shaken my dependence on caffeine, so hopefully this will work. Changing the schedule while going off caffeine at the same time didn't work. One thing at a time.

While I'm changing things around, if I find extra time in there, I'm going to start a more consistent workout routine. I'm actually thinking of the couch to 5k plan. I really want to be able to run a marathon one of these days, but I already know that I can't even jog a 5k. I have to start somewhere, so I'm thinking of starting there. The thing is, there are a few plans for the couch to 5k thing, not just the ones that I've linked, so I'm going to research it further to see which would work best for me. I welcome any suggestions.

The problem with my work out thing right now is that at this point, I have to take the twins with me wherever I go unless Tony is home. This means I either get up even more early (I'm not sure I can do that yet), or exercise at night (probably not the best thing for my insomnia). I'm thinking just the schedule change for now, then I'll add the workout when I'm a little more flexible with my time. If nothing else, the twins start Kindergarten in August, and I'll have more time when they are in school.

The other thing is, if I get up and get my twins ready for the day at the same time Tony does, it eliminates whatever mess that they would make as well as make the morning smoother for him. I find it frustrating that the twins are not as self sufficient at my other kids were at that age. They more likely to make a mess if you have them get themselves breakfast, even if it's just a waffle out of the toaster. At 4, both Micah and Becca could make a waffle for themselves, but neither poured cereal or milk still. I don't know if it's that they are more clumsy or if they are just more imaginative, making the whole process of putting the waffle in the toaster and taking it out much too boring.

So, there it is. My evil plan. I'll blog on it more later. I'm going to try to start the whole thing tonight. I may not make it, though. It sort of depends on when my husband gets home from umpiring. Sometimes he's late, and I don't like going to bed without him at least home. I'm definitely going to start the no snack after 9 thing, though.

Friday, April 15, 2011

A New Favorite Blog

I have been so impressed with this blog lately that I just had to blog about it. It's called It's an awesome group of mothers of preschoolers who contribute to this blog.

I know, Impress your kids? Why would you feel the need to impress them? I am Supermommie, so it might be necessary sometimes...but that's not really what the name comes from. The idea is from Deuteronomy 6:4-9.

Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. (NIV)

The blog is full of fun things that these women have done with their kids that impress scripture on their children. Cool, huh?

Now, my kids go to AWANA, we have learned scripture in all kinds of great ways, but I'm always happy to hear new ideas. I love it when my kids show somehow that they understand what they are learning, and these activities really help to give them practical applications for scripture even in their little lives. It's awesome to see.

So check it out. Even if you have older kids, the activities are still good. Some of the activities are a little hard for preschoolers anyway. My kids love it when I do this stuff with them.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Stolen Car, other things leaving too....

My car was stolen last Thursday night. I think Tony had the best perspective on the whole thing. You can take a look at his blog for that. The stuff that has happened around that event is really what I'm writing about.

I'd had a pretty rough time before that. Not that any one thing was all that stressful, it was just the combination of everything that made me fall apart.

One of my best friends got married. That was so awesome. There was a LOT of things to do, and I'd volunteered to help quite a bit. I love helping to plan that kind of thing. It was really cool to be a part, but there was a lot of work. That was thing number one, and while I really loved helping, it was in the mix of things that overloaded me.

Just before the wedding was my brother's visit. Also something really cool, but stressful.

Just before that was GS Cookie season and all the drama that came with that.

Okay, there's all the major stuff.

I had also volunteered (before things started getting stressful) to work in Children's Church at my church until the person who regularly did it came back (she had bronchitis and then her first grandchild was born so she went to go visit her). This is something fun for me, so I figured it wouldn't be a big deal.

Then there's drama that happened over a babysitter for the wedding. One person who I called actually told me "I don't want to babysit your kids because I don't like them." That person will never be on my list anymore. I'm over it, but it added stress.

There was also a bunch of mis-communication with others that surrounded that whole incident that never really resolved well, so that added stress.

Then came a bunch of mistakes that I made. I'm pretty sure I just wasn't thinking clearly because of all the other stress that was going on at that moment, so I ended up adding more stress onto the whole thing myself.

All of this is happening when baseball season is starting and I'm starting to lose my husband's presence (as I do every year, so it's not like I'm not used to it). He's starting to be the umpire that he is, as well as getting more involved in the Challenger Division where Micah participates in baseball. It's awesome. I was trying to be involved with that too, being Team Mom, but because of all the circumstances, I've made a lousy team mom so far.

So, it was after the wedding, but before the reception (they were a week apart) when my husband's car was stolen. In it was everything keeping me together. We'd practically lived in that car for a while. It was really full of important things.

I lost it. I went around Friday (the car was stolen on a Thursday night) taking care of things, but I woke up Saturday morning without any sight in my left eye. Honestly, I was expecting to go paralyzed (as I've done before) so this didn't bug me as much. I told my friend who I was supposed to take pictures for her reception that I couldn't, but I'd be able to handle everything else. The baking of the cake and making of decorations began. It was supposed to be a 2 day thing, Friday and Saturday working on everything, but Friday was gone and there was nothing I could do about it. Saturday evening was the reception, and I was going and it would be beautiful. My mom saved the day, helping me with the cake, and there was a ton of help from other friends to make the decorations work. I was so glad that my father-in-law was the one who did the food, so I could count on him to just take care of everything in the kitchen without having to worry.

Sunday I went to church, determined (as I usually am) to make everything stay consistent for my kids, so I went, though I couldn't see much at this point. I emailed the neurologist, but knew he wasn't going to get back to me until Monday, and I had things to do. My husband had to be at work on Monday, so he needed a car. I just couldn't be his taxi and someone had to pick up kids from school (somehow I was going to get them in my mind).

Monday morning, we all pile into the car, drop off the two older kids at school and go check out the car. It's in my name, so I have to take care of the paperwork. We went to the police station then to the towing place. We paid them all way too much just to take the burnt up piece of junk off our hands.

I still can't see much.

I get a message from my neurologist. I can come see him, but I really need to relax. It's probably stress...duh. If everything didn't go back to normal soon, I figured I'd go see him.

I took the rest of the day off. Most of the day I spent in bed while the kids watched TV. Tony umped that night, so we had bean and cheese burritos for dinner that the kids prepared themselves. It worked, and they had fun.

The next day I knew that if I got up and did anything I would never get past the stress. I stayed in bed most of the day. The twins enjoyed making their own pb&j for lunch and I relaxed. Micah's therapist came that afternoon, so I didn't have to work on homework. Everything worked out well. Tony came home and made dinner, so the kids finally had a healthy meal. I relaxed. Sure, dishes are piled up and I still have to clean a few messes, but things are getting done over time.

This morning I woke up and found that my sight had returned. I could really relax again. No worries. I want my sight to stay with me, so I wasn't going to try to "catch up" today. Still relaxing, just getting a few things done at a time.

I get frustrated when MS slows me down, but at the moment I'm pretty sure it's a good thing. I had a real reason to sit and relax for a while. God knew exactly what needed to happen to make me stop and relax.

Now here I sit, my son frustrated at me because I can't go to the store to buy him some Chex because I don't have a bank card (my wallet was in the car that was stolen) and no cash. My husband is off to umpire this evening, so I really can't do anything to help him (again). All will be fine. Time to distract with video games.