1. Point camera at my twins
2. Say the words "hug and cheese!"
3. Take picture
This is the result:
I know, it's kind of silly to train your kids to do these things, but it's really cute and rather entertaining on a kind of yucky day.
The day was long. I declared it everyone's day off (meaning me and the kids, Tony still went to work) and I tried to make it the least stressful day possible. I didn't want anyone doing chores, and I really wanted to relax.
It was a good thing I planned this in advance because the kids all woke up with fevers. The fever went away with tylenol, but still, it was obvious that there was sickness in the house of some sort.
Now, my kids aren't really good at being sick. Well, maybe they are, they are just not really good at showing that they are sick. Yeah, that's it. If they are sick, they are still likely to run around and play. They just pause every once in a while for the symptom (cough, sneeze, throw up, etc.). Today was no different. They coughed every once in a while, but unless you had felt their fevers earlier in the day, you would never have known that they had more than just allergies.
So when I decided to take a few pictures, I ignored the fact that they might have a little bit of booger residue still left on their faces (because I'm a lousy mom...or at least a lousy nose wiper...especially when there are 4 noses to keep up with).
Anyway, the point is: aren't my girls cute? Ignore the boogers.
They are cute :) and I didn't even notice the boogers!
Four fevers at once? ugh...
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