Monday, August 18, 2008

Does this make me a bad mom?

My twin's birthday is coming up on Sunday. I don't really have anything special planned. Isn't that sad? Becca made sure we didn't forget her birthday, and while we didn't have the big party that she wanted (we were broke, but she had fun, and that is what is important), we at least celebrated. I don't have anything planned for the twins. I'm trying to figure out how to fit something in sometime, but I just don't know when to do it. I feel bad. If I didn't realize after looking at a date for a meeting that I have on that day, I might have forgotten their birthday completely. It's horrible. You would think that I would not forget considering the fact that the kid's birthdays go back to back all through the summer.

So, what do I do on short notice? I know my family is used to short notice for stuff from me, but this is bad. I don't have time on Sunday, and I was going to take care of a lot of things on Saturday, and the following week is pretty busy as well. I think that the only time I have is Saturday. Maybe I will just have cake at home and not worry about inviting family. I don't know. What do you think? Any ideas?


Skubaliscious said...

My girls' second b-day party consisted entirely of a cake and some pink balloons...and friends and family were invited to eat some of the cake.

The girls were totally thrilled with some balloons to chase around.

Supermomie said...

That's probably what this one will amount to. I'm not disappointed at my lack of planning something as much as my forgetting the birthday all together. The girls won't notice, though.

Unknown said...

That's the nice thing about two year olds, sweetie. They do not care. Birthday celebrations when kids are that young are for the parents.
We didn't have birthday parties for C & J until they had started school. Up until then, just whatever family could stop by was sufficient.
You didn't forget. It just slipped your mind. That happens to us moms now and then.

Jennifer said...

I think that sometimes the easy going, no big fluff parties are the funnest for the kids. For Seth's party, we did some Foamie crafts, ate cake and then let the kids play in the kiddie pool. Everyone commented on how much fun the party was and it was super easy on me.
As far as forgetting the twins birthday, just blame it on Mommy brain. I find that to be a pretty legit excuse. And if your too busy to do a party on their actual birthday weekend, then do it a week or two later when things are calmer for you. They won't care WHEN the party is and you will enjoy it that much more.
That's my two cent advice!