Halloween is over! That sigh of relief as everyone was dressed happened first. All was well and the kids enjoyed their costumes. Ali and Zoe were ballerinas. That was an easy costume, I just took Becca's old tu-tus from dance performances that lots of money was spent on anyway, and put them on the girls. Tights and socks with ballet slipper designs on them that I found at the dollar store completed their outfits.
Becca was even easier. Last year someone gave her a fairy costume that was too big, and she hadn't worn it yet. she decided that she needed the pants and shirt under it, and other than that she just wanted body glitter.
Micah's first choice for costume when asked was to be a princess. After a long talk with my boy, he decided that he would be something else. We did an internet search for costume ideas, and he decided that he would be a clown or superman. No, you don't see either of those in the picture. After a search through Wal-mart to find all the stuff that he needed to be either of those, Tony decided that we shouldjust get him a dress up set from the toy section. Construction worker or policeman? Policeman was cheaper and it came with working walkie-talkies. The next day I asked Micah if he wanted to dress up in that stuff for halloween, and he said yes. I took a black shirt and put POLICE on the back in white tape. Suddenly I was a mom of a cop.
So this year we went to our church's harvest festival and stayed there all night. It was great. It was inside the gym, but they had food outside on the porch, where we have a playset for the kids to play. It wasn't crowded at the beginning, and the twins went around to play all the games. When they were done playing games, my mom took them out to eat hot dogs and play. Micah and Becca went back and forth all night long. I entered the pumpkin carving contest, even though I had never carved a pumpkin in my entire life, and I ended up winning. Ok, I won the adult division and I was the only adult who entered. Still, my pumpkin didn't look bad. I would have pictures, but I surrendered the camera to my mother, and she didn't take too many, and she didn't take any of my pumpkin. You'll just have to believe me.
We ended up with a lot of candy. Growing up I remember the day after halloween always being better because we didn't dress up, but we always hit the clearance afterwards. Since so many churches do their halloween alternatives now, it's nice to dress the kids up for pictures and get free candy. I did trick-or-treat once when Micah was a toddler. It was ok, but we get so much more candy at the church, plus it's safer and more fun to play the games.
One of the great things about being a parent is the fact that you make the rules about candy. Micah's diet makes for a great excuse to have to go through all the candy and divide it nicely. I get the opportunity to take my favorites out and hide them. Since any and all candy that enters my house is confiscated and distributed at the will of Mom and Dad anyway, the few that disappear aren't noticed anyway.
Our church ended up with 400 people coming to our Harvest festival. Considering the fact that we run less than 200 on any given Sunday in church, that was pretty good. We gave out a lot of candy, and we had a lot of fun.
I wish I had more pictures, but I had my video camera and my mom had her regular camera. I lost the cord to download my videos in July when we went to San Diego, so I don't have the videos to show, either. I'm bummed. My kids were cute. I need to get a new cord for my video camera.
Awwww! How cute are my nieces and nephew! Great costumes!
Oh my goodness your kids are ENORMOUS!
How dare they grow without my permission? Please can you shrink the twins back to early toddler stage when I come down to visit?
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