Wednesday, November 26, 2008


This year for Thanksgiving, my family, my brother and sister-in-law, my mom, and my grandma are going to San Diego for the holiday. We are spending tonight and tomorrow night down there and going to Sea World. Yeah! Rain! Yep, that was sarcasm.

So last night I packed my kid's bags for just today because they went down early with my mom and grandma to go to Sea World by themselves. Yep, that means I spent the day without kids. I got laundry done (that I probably shouldn't have done since my recent chest episode), packed the rest of our stuff, and enjoyed the silence. It's been a good day so far. Still, I have a long ride tonight. No kids, though.

I just realized that I haven't blogged in a while...well not this week anyway. On Sunday I had a normal day until the evening. I got out of church not feeling so well, but I figured it was just the cold that I was getting. I went to get my kids from their class and really started hurting. I sat down on the ground totally in pain. It hurt. At this point, I'm scared I'm having a heart attack. I don't look up because I know that I am surrounded by people. I hurt. I vaguely hear my friends asking questions and kinda answer, but I'm not really up to conversation. I hear Tony say that he is taking the kids home and my mom is taking me to the hospital. At this point I don't care, I just want the pain to stop.

So, did I have a heart attack? No. It has a really long name, but basically I injured the cartilage in my chest and it is inflamed causing pressure and a lot of pain. Tony put the Web MD explanation in his blog if you are curious. I got a shot that took away my pain right then, or at least took it down several notches, and some good pain meds for home. I was told not to lift anything and let my chest heal. Hopefully it won't be necessary for me to lift my kids for a while. I took some of my meds just to do laundry today, and I probably still shouldn't have lifted the stuff.

My mom has been off work this week, and so I thought I would be able to rest. I had a huge assignment due for school last night, and my mom was trying to get me to plan stuff for our trip at the same time. I pretty much told her (in the most respectful and kind way possible) that I wasn't planning anything, and if she wanted me to do stuff, write it down so I would have it for today. It didn't work. So in the middle of my creative expression, I hear things questions about what the kids are going to wear. I really didn't care. I figured I would get her all the stuff she needed for today, and then get the rest when I didn't have anything else to do. Which is what I did. Still, it didn't stop her from interrupting me. She did come and help me out every once in a while, too, though.

My project didn't turn out as well as I wanted it to, but it was ok. What do you think?

From photography class

From photography class

From photography class

From photography class

From photography class


Unknown said...

San Diego?! How fun!

I'm glad to hear you are doing okay. I got kinda worried about you when Tony was filling everyone in...

Tell everyone Happy Thanksgiving from us up here! Hope you have a great and pain-free holiday!

Unknown said...

Oh and I'm giving you an award! Go to my blog and check it out!