Saturday, July 26, 2008

My Adorable Children

Anyone else hate that commercial about Universal Studios with the Simpsons? You know the one, "Are we there yet? No. Are we there yet? NoAre we there yet? No. Are we there yet? No. Are we there yet? No. Are we there yet? No. Are we there yet? No. Are we there yet? No. Are we there yet? No. Are we there yet? No. Are we there yet? No." You get the point. My son has taken to asking that question for hours on end. I can't at the moment think of anything more annoying. What is really special, and I'm sure some of you will think totally cute, is that Ali and Zoe answer him over and over. So basically, the sound track to my life at the moment goes something like this:

Micah: Are we there yet?

Ali: No.

Micah: Are we there yet?

Zoe: No.

Micah: Are we there yet?

Ali: No.

Micah: Are we there yet?

Zoe: No.

Micah: Are we there yet?

Ali: No.

Micah: Are we there yet?

Zoe: No.

Micah: Are we there yet?

Ali: No.

Micah: Are we there yet?

Zoe: No.

Micah: Are we there yet?

Ali: No.

Micah: Are we there yet?

Zoe: No.

This goes on until I finally go crazy enough to send all of them to their rooms. Of course, yesterday they figured out that they could hear each other from their rooms and proceeded to continue their game. Not funny.

Anyway. For those of you who know, I had been without a vehicle that will hold all of my children this week. Yep, I went insane. Well, I was already there. I just went further into insanity. This was worst on Thursday. It got so bad that I called Tony at work just to have a short adult conversation. He hurried home, cashing in some of his comp time because he was worried I was going to go psycho on my kids. I believe his words were that he was worried that I was going to go Texas lady on my kids. Don't worry everyone, I won't ever be slaughtering my children. The worst I will do is put them all in their rooms and go to the phone and find someone to come over.

Why was Thursday bad? Well, it started with a sibling moment. Ali apparently did something to offend Micah, and he decided to kick her. I immediately took him to his room and made him stay there and went back to check on Ali. When he goes that nuts, I have to get him out of the way, or he will start to attack everyone. Ali was fine, so I put her and Zoe up to the table with breakfast and went to get Micah. My beautiful son decided that since I told him not to leave his room, he would use a corner of his room as a toilet. I go for the cleaning supplies, and hand them to him to have him clean it up. This is nothing completely new, but it hasn't happened for a while. He knows what to do, anyway. I do have to help, but he does do most of it. I went back to the twins to see them covered in the milk from their cereal bowls dumped on their heads. Bath one.

I come out to the livingroom with the freshly bathed toddlers to see that Becca's hands were covered in icing. She had taken all the icing off of the leftover cake, and was eating that while watching tv. Why didn't she ask for cake? She told me that she was going to, but I looked busy.

Lunch time rolls around, Micah doesn't want to eat. Okay, I really don't care. He will eat in his own time. He decided that no one should eat. He gets angry again. I get hit this time. Back to his room.

Naptime for the girls. Ali and Zoe go to their room, but they aren't sleeping. Becca knows by this time that I am irritated, and she went down for her nap without any trouble. I attempt at this time to do a little cleaning. Kinda trying to relax an d calm myself. Thirty minutes later, the twins are still awake. I open the door to their room and find that Zoe has a pretty good pitching arm. Unfortunately, she was acting like a monkey at the time, if you know what I mean. Ali apparently had used her diaper, and they were both brown from head to toe, and were now flinging their extras. I changed my shirt and put the girls in the bathtub for the second time.

I obviously had to immediately do laundry. I took the clothes and the bedding out to my washer, and Micah wanted to help. Well, I figured he isn't squeamish around poo, so why not? Kids are obviously washable. I hear a blood curdling scream from inside the house (my washer and dryer are outside), and I leave Micah helping to go find the source. Apparently, one of the twins offended the other in some way, and there were bite marks. I set them both on different couches with Elmo on tv, then turn to go outside again. I hear a strange noise coming from the dryer. In the process of helping me, Micah accidently spilled laundry soap into the lint trap of my dryer. I had no idea if the thing was going to work at all. I am imagining at that moment attempting to find time to hang out laundry, and how I was going to keep my puppy away from it. Not to mention my toddlers...or anyone else for that matter. This is where I am in tears. I had been stuck at my house for far too long with no way to run away. I lack sanity when that happens. I am looking at my dryer knowing that I ran out of diapers, and I was pretty broke, and I was planning on potty training the twins soon. Not gonna happen without loads of laundry. Mom had already told me that she needed laundry done for the next day for work. I had a lot to do. My kids were already going crazy all day.

I went back inside, and Micah begins asking for strawberries. I don't have any strawberries. Micah then demands that we go to the store and get some. I can't do that. He kicks me. I have another bruise. I'm done. I called Tony.

By the way, my husband fixed the dryer. I shall live to fight another day. I have my car back. it has a shiny new bumper, and all is well. Micah is still getting more violent, but at this point, I think he is more bored than anything else. I will be calling his doctor again on Monday. I hadn't blogged about this until today because I really wanted to think about something positive for a while.

Here is my positive note for the moment:

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us. " Romans 8:18

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh sweetie. What a day that was.
But you survived. Hooray for Supermommie.
And I like how your title was "My Adorable Children", not "My Frustrating or Insanity Inducing Children". Way to stay positive.
And that scripture was very fitting.