Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Booger Blog

The subject matter of this blog is just gross, but it's just where I am today.

A couple of nights ago my oldest daughter came into our room and coughed her way through the night. So begins my mission in fighting boogers.

I have a humidifier in the girls room now, so we don't have the late night wake up calls due to incessant coughing. Still, it isn't easy to keep up with the twin's runny noses. I turn my house into a giant humidifier by boiling water (this also heats the house quite well) to keep them from coughing all the time, and I pile on the clothes and break out several extra boxes of tissue so that there is always some within reach.

Sickness rotates it's way around my house, and that is what I am trying to avoid. Becca just has a runny nose, but she goes to school well armed with tissues and knows to wash her hands all the time. So far we have kept this from Micah, and I hope to keep it that way. He doesn't do well with the sniffles.

When Becca was a baby, a simple runny nose would keep her awake all the time. She would have trouble breathing every time I set her down, and when I would take her to the doctor, she would send us home telling me that it was just a cold, and to elevate her head. Becca slept in a bouncer for about 3 months. Runny noses just do that to her. She does better now with just a humidifier, but she still has to elevate her head more. Fortunately she can do that without coming and getting her mommy and daddy in the middle of the night now.

Ali and Zoe are not the same, but they tend to have more attitude problems when they are sick (like the rest of the world). So far, with just the runny noses, they still have not had too many issues, and they really like that I am forcing fluids this morning (there's nothing that they love more than a whole bunch of watered down apple juice). Still, I am expecting a lot more issues in the coming days if this thing sticks around.

For myself, I am taking stuff to avoid getting sick. Forcing fluids on myself as well, though I don't enjoy watered down apple juice like my daughters. I stick to water.

Micah used to be so notorious for a runny nose that Tony and I took to calling him booger boy. We found out that he has allergies that really have cleared up over the last 4 years on the gf/cf diet. I attribute it to the diet, but I guess it could be that he just grew out of them. The nickname has been tamed to "boogs" by daddy, but when I start to get irritated at him, I tend to call my boy a booger, and that makes us laugh sometimes. Nothing like a wierd nickname to get you out of a bad mood.

To finish off my booger blog, I was going to put a youtube video of Wierd Al's "Gotta Boogie" but I decided that the song would be just way too gross. Still, that song has been stuck in my head today. If you haven't heard it before...well I envy you, but you could waste your time on looking it up on youtube, it's there.


Unknown said...

Ha ha, my mom used to call us "snot-nosed booger-brats." She still does, sometimes... :)

Skubaliscious said...

My favorite is when you go to give a kid a kiss without realizing their entire lowere face is covered in translucent snot...definitely need a wipe before you smooch t-shirt!