Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Big Girl

On Sunday evening my daughter was baptized. I was so excited. I took her up to get changed and realized that I didn't have a camera with me besides Becca's. So here are the pictures that I have from her camera. Becca was so excited. She asked so many questions about everything that went on up in the baptistery. Thankfully it was her Sunday School teacher (a woman who is among those in my life who I want to be just like when I grow up) who was the deacon's wife who was helping her up there. She answered the questions, knowing Becca well enough to say just the right things to her. I stayed with her and took pictures from what I thought would be just a different vantage point, but it turned out that my mom had technical difficulties with her camera down in the pews, so these are the pictures the only ones that I have, but I am still holding hope that my sister-in-law got some good ones.
Becca isn't really short for her age or anything, but she is only 5, so when she went down the stairs to meet her daddy, he had to lift her (though she can swim, it probably wouldn't have been a good idea). Then when he tried to sit her down, she still couldn't keep her head above water. So then she stood next to her daddy while he preached for a bit (he is a pastor, after all).

I am so proud of my baby girl. The change in her life has been amazing. She really wasn't a bad kid before, but still, she had a big attitude problem at times. Lately the attitude comes, and a gentle reminder works for her to pull herself together. Yesterday could have been an exception, she threw a huge fit over homework. Still, I talked to her a bit, and I realized that her real problem was that she was overly tired. She took a nap, and while she was still pretty upset about being grounded afterward (consequences still exist no matter what), she took it well.

I don't know why I expected any different, but I just didn't see her change being that drastic. She is taking her relationship with Christ very seriously. Don't get me wrong, she's still Becca. She is a 5 year old princess and everyone's mom. She feels that if no one else is going to be in charge, it's her job, and if there is someone else in charge, it's her job to be the helper and police if someone else gets out of hand. She just seems to be understanding more that God is in charge, and Mom is His helper. Becca's job is to listen and obey. Since that is a difficult concept for any of us to get, I understand the struggle. Still, I'm glad that she's tackling that concept early in life. Hopefully it will make things easier for her in the future.


Unknown said...

Hooray for Becca!! And how awesome that her daddy got to be the one to immerse her.

Skubaliscious said...

Yay Becca!