Friday, February 6, 2009

Healthy Stuff

As I ate a chocolate doughnut this morning I realized that I kinda dropped the ball in sharing where I am in health matters.

Yeah, the doughnut was a bad idea.

I still walk at least 3 times a week (location based upon kids and the state of my living room (I can't work out if I see too much clutter-it drives me nuts...and I don't want to trip on toys)). I weigh in once a week with the family still (I lost some weight, but I really can't tell you how much because I don't remember). I continue to work on my cholesterol, and that is where the real progress was made.

Over the last 6 months, I lowered my cholesterol by 10%. That's really good, but it's still in the high range, so my doctor put me on some stuff to help me out. Cholesterol is not all about what you eat anyway, it can also be determined by genetics, and basically anything bad health-wise runs in the family (well, not everything...a whole lot of bad stuff, though).

I think I'm driving my mom and Tony nuts by not having beef in my house, but they really haven't complained much. I try to make things tasty still. My mom needs to work on her cholesterol, too. I have no idea about Tony because he wouldn't go to the doctor unless he was dying. Still, I am probably going to crack down even more on what we are eating in this house, mostly because I don't want to have to take a pill twice a day for the rest of my life.

Cheese is where we get the most of our cholesterol in this house. I think I would have a revolt on my hands if I tried to get rid of it (I love cheese, I would never be able to do that anyway), but I think I am going to try to limit it, too. How? Basically that will mean that I will be making things for dinner that have little or no cheese. No more enchiladas (a family favorite) for a while. That means more recipes and more research. It also means that I will be more likely to make things for the whole family (Micah's diet doesn't include milk products). That means less cooking two meals so that everybody can actually eat. That will save time and money...bonus!

I saw Micah's baseball coach this week for the first time since baseball season last year (not winter ball, they don't have challenger league for that, I think it was June that we saw each other last), and she took one look at me and her eyes bugged out and said that I lost a lot of weight. I don't think I have lost that much, but it was still nice to hear from someone who hasn't seen me since I started my health obsession. I'm think I'm finally getting over my dislike of weight compliments. I know people are trying to be encouraging, and since that is always a good thing, I'm trying to take the things that people say in a positive way.

So that's my healthy stuff. I get checked again for cholesterol in 2 months, so hopefully I will have more good news then. Maybe I'll talk about my weight sometime, too. I don't know. I still don't want to make that my obsession. That is a hole that I don't want to fall into.

"All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything. Food is for the stomach and the stomach is for food, but God will do away with both of them. Yet the body is not for immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord is for the body." 1Corinthians 6:12-13

1 comment:

Skubaliscious said...

Good luck with the cheese thing...we are totally cheese addicted in my house cooking definitely needs a makeover in that area...